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 Mathews’ brings LIVE coverage of the 2010 ASA PRO/AM to YOUR computer!

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Mathews’ brings LIVE coverage of the 2010 ASA PRO/AM to YOUR computer! Empty
PostSubject: Mathews’ brings LIVE coverage of the 2010 ASA PRO/AM to YOUR computer!   Mathews’ brings LIVE coverage of the 2010 ASA PRO/AM to YOUR computer! EmptyTue Jun 15, 2010 2:14 pm

Cutting edge doesn’t just apply to the bows Mathews’ creates but also their desire to entertain and educate current and potential archers around the world when they provide live coverage of the 2010 ASA PRO/AM, June 25-27, on MathewsLIVE.Com.

Derek Phillips, Mathews’ Pro Staff Manager, said that he is thrilled about providing coverage to people who may never have been to a competition-shooting event before.
“Join us live to watch the top professional and amateur shooters in the world compete in the most challenging 3D competition at the Archery Shooters Association (ASA) event in Metropolis, Illinois,” he said. “The best pros in the world will be there battling strategies, range estimation and challenging shots looking to shoot the quarter-size 12 ring at unknown distances out to 50 yards. We’ll have interviews and other secret information from our very top pros along the way.”

ASA 3-D archery features 2 days of competitive rounds of 20 lifelike, three-dimensional, animal targets made of foam each day. The scoring rings are not visible from the shooting stake, and binoculars are allowed. An archer must determine the distance to the target, pick a good aiming point, and execute the shot with bows 280 feet-per- second or less. The ASA uses a scoring system of 14, 12, 10, 8, 5 or 0 points per arrow. The archer must employ a number of strategies that might work for each particular target, distance, lighting conditions, wind and other factors that affect the performance at that particular moment and target.

The 2010 ASA Pro/Am will draw over 1200 amateur archers and nearly 200 of the best professional archers in the world. The three-day tournament includes a Pro/AM event where one professional archer is teamed up with four amateur shooters that will work together as a team discussing distances (traditionally not allowed in the Professional event), strategy and helpful tips to improve their shooting. Saturday and Sunday will dramatically come to a conclusion when the top five shooters in every division go into a head to head shoot-off. Strategy is crucial as the 5th place shooter may increase the pressure by shooting all 14’s and move him or herself to the top. This pressure point shoot down round is fast and furious and the lead may change often as different top archers apply different strategies to their assigned targets.

Get up-to-date leader board standings, watch interviews with the Pro’s, learn more about competitive archery and watch live coverage as Professional and Amateur shooters from around the country compete for the 2010 ASA Pro/Am titles. Experience the excitement of a major National Archery Competition all from the comfort of your home computer. Recaps of Friday and Saturdays events will be showcased online, with Live Coverage of Sunday’s Shoot-Off concluding the event on Sunday, June 27th at 1:00 CST.
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Mathews’ brings LIVE coverage of the 2010 ASA PRO/AM to YOUR computer! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mathews’ brings LIVE coverage of the 2010 ASA PRO/AM to YOUR computer!   Mathews’ brings LIVE coverage of the 2010 ASA PRO/AM to YOUR computer! EmptyTue Jun 15, 2010 6:44 pm

Awesome info. Dave
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Mathews’ brings LIVE coverage of the 2010 ASA PRO/AM to YOUR computer!
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