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  Hunting Trophey Whitetails in the real world

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 Hunting Trophey Whitetails in the real world Empty
PostSubject: Hunting Trophey Whitetails in the real world    Hunting Trophey Whitetails in the real world EmptyWed Jun 23, 2010 4:48 pm

Author is Don Higgens. Its a pretty quick read that was loaned to me by one of my good friends. He talks about when trying to hunt mature deer, that you really have to hunt and think outside the box. Going off memory he had around 25 deer that would go over 140 or so, all taken off of family farms, or friends properties that he had access to. None of his deer have come off leases, outfitted hunts, or behind a fence.

One chapter goes into the story of one of his bucks that scored around 210". All the crap he took off the locals that was starting rumors that he had poached the deer. Ends up getting confiscated by the DNR and then returned to him with an apology when the facts come out. He really sounded like a regular Joe that just had a nack for killing big deer and wanted to share some of his experiences.

Last edited by ebrown on Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:54 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Camoed Assassin

Camoed Assassin

 Hunting Trophey Whitetails in the real world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hunting Trophey Whitetails in the real world    Hunting Trophey Whitetails in the real world EmptyWed Jun 23, 2010 9:34 pm

Sounds like a good read, where does he hunt?
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 Hunting Trophey Whitetails in the real world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hunting Trophey Whitetails in the real world    Hunting Trophey Whitetails in the real world EmptyThu Jun 24, 2010 12:52 am

Thanks for the info,ill have to check it out
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 Hunting Trophey Whitetails in the real world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hunting Trophey Whitetails in the real world    Hunting Trophey Whitetails in the real world EmptyThu Jun 24, 2010 12:55 pm

I think he done most of the hunting in IL. That is going off memory.
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 Hunting Trophey Whitetails in the real world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hunting Trophey Whitetails in the real world    Hunting Trophey Whitetails in the real world EmptyThu Jun 24, 2010 2:46 pm

sounds like it would be good to read
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Monster Raxx

 Hunting Trophey Whitetails in the real world Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hunting Trophey Whitetails in the real world    Hunting Trophey Whitetails in the real world EmptyWed Apr 25, 2012 11:01 pm

This is a great book. Don is a super nice guy and really knows alot about whitetails. He does most of his hunting in Illinois.
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