Subject: Any Hoosiers trading in the stick and string? Thu Nov 10, 2011 12:38 pm
So next year when Indiana legalizes crossguns-oops, I mean crossbows-for the archery season, are any of you guys going to make a switch from your regular boes and use crossbows in the general bow season?
Subject: Re: Any Hoosiers trading in the stick and string? Fri Nov 11, 2011 9:39 am
The crossbow is a hot button for sure but I don't really have an issue with it. I wont be using one cause I love shooting my bow but I may get one for my young son to use. He is still about 2 or 3 years away from using a regular bow and this will allow me to get him out more.
My thought on compounds are that they really only affect people hunting public land. If you hunt private land then you should have control of what is used. Also, I shoot my compound further and my accurate then most crossbows I've seen.
Subject: Re: Any Hoosiers trading in the stick and string? Sat Nov 12, 2011 2:31 pm
I wont unless it is cold out, as you know i got one. but i do know it will get my youngest out during the early season.
Subject: Re: Any Hoosiers trading in the stick and string? Sat Nov 12, 2011 8:53 pm
I probably wont get one for a while...but again I have a couple of youngsters so might consider it for them....until they can hunt with bow
Subject: Re: Any Hoosiers trading in the stick and string? Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:07 am
I know ill probably get ripped for this one but here is what I think. I for one will never use one if I am capable of shooting a compound bow. MHO is if you are not physically capable of shooting a legal weight compound bow then grab a crossbow. My issue is that it is locked and loaded just like a gun. I have no problem with them being allowed in late archery by everyone.
On a side note it will bring in more money for the state which is always better because they might not have to keep raising the tag fees.
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Subject: Re: Any Hoosiers trading in the stick and string?