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 New bow strings

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New bow strings Empty
PostSubject: New bow strings   New bow strings EmptySat May 05, 2012 3:06 am

i know we have vapor trail strings as sponsor but I was wonder what other brands everyone else is shooting. I have Octane strings on my bow right now and I can tell they have stretched and my bow has slowed down some. My strings are only about 2 years old and have had a lot of shots (1500-2000 shots on them). I'm hoping to get a little more life out of them or is this the norm. I'm kinda leaning towards Winners Choice strings.
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New bow strings Empty
PostSubject: Re: New bow strings   New bow strings EmptySun May 06, 2012 8:32 pm

Indiana_buck_buster wrote:
i know we have vapor trail strings as sponsor but I was wonder what other brands everyone else is shooting. I have Octane strings on my bow right now and I can tell they have stretched and my bow has slowed down some. My strings are only about 2 years old and have had a lot of shots (1500-2000 shots on them). I'm hoping to get a little more life out of them or is this the norm. I'm kinda leaning towards Winners Choice strings.

I use bucknasty custom strings on my bows, have for yrs. They have little to no streatch at all and tune great.
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New bow strings Empty
PostSubject: Re: New bow strings   New bow strings EmptyMon May 07, 2012 1:18 pm

love my americas best string.. my wifes bow has winners choice..
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New bow strings Empty
PostSubject: Re: New bow strings   New bow strings EmptyFri Jun 01, 2012 10:28 pm

Went to the proshop tonight and had new strings put on my destroyer but I ended up with a brand I wasn't expecting. Our proshop usually only has the Bowtech backbones but the owner had a set of Vapor Trails that he was planning on putting on his bow and decided to put them on mine. Also he only had the backbone string but no cables. By putting the Vapor Trails on he saved me about $70.
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New bow strings Empty
PostSubject: Re: New bow strings   New bow strings EmptySun Jul 01, 2012 10:04 pm

u like ??? Question review please Exclamation Exclamation
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New bow strings Empty
PostSubject: Re: New bow strings   New bow strings EmptySun Jul 01, 2012 10:22 pm

Ya they are pretty sweet. I picked up a few fps from the old stretched out strings but I don't know how many. Arrows were shooting about 6 inches high. 20 yard pin was good at 30. One really neat thing is I emailed vapor trail asking for a decal and maybe a patch for my shooting shirt. I ended up getting 2 patches, 2 window stickers, and a window clingy thing.
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New bow strings Empty
PostSubject: Re: New bow strings   New bow strings EmptyMon Jul 02, 2012 6:45 pm

Ya Vapor Trail strings are great bow strings, You'll be pleased.
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