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 TenPoint Turkey

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TenPoint Turkey Empty
PostSubject: TenPoint Turkey   TenPoint Turkey EmptyMon May 14, 2012 9:39 pm

This past winter I was named to the TenPoint Crossbow Prostaff so I really wanted to kill a turkey this spring with one of their bows. However I procrastinated and didn't get one ordered until the Monday before turkey season, not knowing when it would arrive I figured the heck with it I'll probably just hunt with my shotgun. Well the second day of season I was headed out the door with my shotgun when the FedEx man pulled up wih my new crossbow. I figured this must be an omen and I decided it was a crossbow turkey for me or nothing. I bolted it together and was hitting the eleven ring on a turkey target every time at 20 yds. Well the second morning I hunted with it I had a 30yd shot at a tom. Not ever shooting the bow past 20yds I didn't take the shot for fear of wounding him.

Well this past Sunday me Haydenhunter and Haymaker got this bow sighted in and was hitting a 2"dot every time from 20 to 50 yds. This thing is amazing.

Tuesday I took it for an afternoon hunt. I spotted a tom at 450 yds across a cornfield. I thought there is surely no way I could call him in but I thought what do I have to lose. I made the loudest clucks I could on my Double S slate call and he stopped and looked my way. I couldn't beleive it. I made a few more calls then shut up. I figured as long as he was coming I wasn't going to call to him. It took him a half hour to get to me but when he was at 30yds I shot him. He flew a short distance and I recovered him. He weighed 24lbs, had a 11.5" beard and 30mm spurs.
Man I can't wait to see what I can do on a deer with this bow. Thanks TenPoint.
TenPoint Turkey DSC00253
TenPoint Turkey DSC00256
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TenPoint Turkey Empty
PostSubject: Re: TenPoint Turkey   TenPoint Turkey EmptyTue May 15, 2012 12:53 pm

Great looking Bird Chris, Congrats my friend
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TenPoint Turkey Empty
PostSubject: Re: TenPoint Turkey   TenPoint Turkey EmptyThu May 17, 2012 11:32 am

Congrats on the longbeard Chris


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TenPoint Turkey Empty
PostSubject: Re: TenPoint Turkey   TenPoint Turkey EmptySat May 19, 2012 11:42 pm

Awesome bird Chris. Congrats buddy. cheers
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TenPoint Turkey Empty
PostSubject: Re: TenPoint Turkey   TenPoint Turkey Empty

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