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 Winners Chosen - Next Drawing is January 4th

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Winners Chosen - Next Drawing is January 4th Empty
PostSubject: Winners Chosen - Next Drawing is January 4th   Winners Chosen - Next Drawing is January 4th EmptyWed Dec 07, 2016 12:35 pm

Winners Chosen - Next Drawing is January 4th F2af3c4f-e0a7-4a16-82ab-9e0672616b49

Winners Chosen - Next Drawing is January 4th Vortexlogo___1

Winners Chosen - Next Drawing is January 4th. We will choose 6 very lucky winners.
3 folks will each receive a Vortex Viper HS 4-16x50 Dead-Hold BDC Riflescope #VHS-4307 and 3 folks will receive a Vortex Viper HS-T 4-16x44 - VMR-1 MOA Riflescope #VHS-4309 .

This past months winners of a $100.00 Camera Land Gift Card are:
Paul A of MonsterMuleys
Tom Z of Accurate Reloading
Casey C 24HourCampfire
Frank F Jr of Rimfire Central
Joanne Q of Facebook
Bobby C of GBO
Shannon W of SnipersHide
Brian F of CouseWhiteTails
William A of GreyBreads
Gordon G of TXBowHunter

Congratulations to all our winners

Remember to enter our January drawing for your chance to win an amazing Vortex Riflescope

It is our pleasure to bring these drawings to you each month to show our appreciation for all the support that we receive. Just our way of saying thank you.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the monthly winners for posting reviews of the products they have won. The forum members value your opinions, as do we.

Please go to our newly redesigned website, www.cameralandny.com and enter. Past entries will not be in this drawing. To keep the drawing available to those that continue to have an interest, each contest winner will be drawn from entries for that contest period.

Are you our next winner?

What are you waiting for? Just go and sign up. There is no purchase required and we are not selling your info to anyone.

Congratulations to our latest winners.

* By entering you are adding your name to an internal use only Camera Land e-mail mailing list. This list is for Camera Land use to send e-mails regarding sales, tips and general notifications. This list will never be shared or sold.

** If you are outside of the USA and are a winner a binocular of similar value will be substituted as we do not export riflescopes
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Winners Chosen - Next Drawing is January 4th
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