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 Winners Chosen - Next Drawing is January 5th for Element Riflescopes

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Winners Chosen - Next Drawing is January 5th for Element Riflescopes Empty
PostSubject: Winners Chosen - Next Drawing is January 5th for Element Riflescopes   Winners Chosen - Next Drawing is January 5th for Element Riflescopes EmptyWed Dec 01, 2021 5:59 pm

Winners Chosen - Next Drawing is January 5th for Element Riflescopes Camera_Land-728x90-12220 ;
Winners Chosen - Next Drawing is January 5th for Element Riflescopes 5c4647d73d868775d61ec26b_logo300

Winners Chosen - Next Drawing is January 5th for Element Riflescopes

This past Summer we started handling Element Riflescopes. We are always on the lookout to expand our offerings, but of course only with quality products.

Element Optics designs and manufactures premium quality riflescopes and optics. Backed by a team of professional shooters and hunters, they proudly bring you top quality products designed to be compatible with airguns and firearms. Each product undergoes the toughest controls and proudly bears a test card to prove it, as well as a Platinum Lifetime Warranty.

Created by shooters, For Shooters:
Element Optics is a team of passionate, skillful professional shooters who design and manufacture premium quality riflescopes and optics. Decades of personal experience competing as professional shooters have provided them with unique insights into what the modern sport of shooting requires. Element understands the intricacies of different shooting disciplines, from benchrest and PRS/NRL to long range hunting and airgunning.

With a design team hailing from Sweden, South Africa and the USA, Element brings together top international skills and expertise to create the very best optics money can buy. They provide the sporting, hunting and competition rifle industry with top quality products, designed to be compatible with both airguns and firearms.

Partnering with carefully sourced, world-class manufacturers, Element implements stringent quality control procedures during the manufacturing process. As competitive shooters, they know the importance of good optics, and are obsessed with optical clarity, precision tracking and inventive design. This is what drives them to deliver the very best products for recreational shooters, hunters, precision marksman and outdoorsmen.

Elements industry-leading manufacturers own and operate high-precision CNC machining, lens coating and polishing equipment, and some of the best testing equipment available. R&D teams are responsible for ensuring that their riflescopes remain on the cutting edge of optical engineering, and will not fail under extreme conditions.

We are thrilled to be giving away a sampling of their great scopes this month. We have 3 scopes this month.

Element Helix 6-24x50 FFP - APR-2D MRAD #50044

30mm Main Body Tube
Compact, Lightweight design
First Focal Plane Reticle
Aircraft Grade Aluminium
Side Parallax: 10yds-Infinity
Fully Multi-Coated Lenses
Tool-free Resettable Turrets with 6 MRAD / 15 MOA per Revolution
Hard Mechanical Zero-Stop
Removable Magnification Throw Lever
Waterproof, Fogproof, Shockproof & Nitrogen Purged
Sunshade, Lens Cloth & Rubber Lens Caps included

Element Titan 5-25x56 FFP - EHR-2D MOA #50023
34mm Main Body Tube
Illuminated, First Focal Plane Reticle
Aircraft Grade Aluminium
Side Parallax: 15yds-Infinity
ED Glass for reduced chromatic aberration and improved sharpness
Tool-Free Resettable Turrets with 10 MRAD / 25 MOA per Revolution
Upgraded Stainless Steel Turret Mechanism
Hard Mechanical Zero-Stop
Removable Magnification Throw Lever
Waterproof, Fogproof, Shockproof & Nitrogen Purged
Sunshade, Lens Cloth & Rubber Lens Covers included

Element Nexus 5-20x50 FFP - EHR-1C MOA #50003
30mm Main Body Tube
Compact, Lightweight design
Illuminated, First Focal Plane Reticle
Aircraft Grade Aluminium
Side Parallax: 10yds-Infinity
Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses with Anti-Fouling Layer
Tool-free Resettable Turrets with 10 MRAD / 20 MOA per Revolution
Hard Mechanical Zero-Stop
Removable Magnification Throw Lever
Waterproof, Fogproof, Shockproof & Nitrogen Purged
Sunshade, Lens Cloth & Neoprene Cover included

This months winners of the Kowa Genesis 10x33 Prominar XD GN33-10 Binoculars are:

Tyler E of MonsterMuleys

Sheri E of LRH

Congratulations to our winners

Remember to enter our January drawing for your chance to win one of these Element Riflescopes

It is our pleasure to bring these drawings to you each month to show our appreciation for all the support that we receive. Just our way of saying thank you.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the monthly winners for posting reviews of the products they have won. The forum members value your opinions, as do we.
Please go to our web site www.cameralandny.com and enter. Past entries will not be in this drawing. To keep the drawing available to those that continue to have an interest, each contest winner will be drawn from entries for that contest period.

Are you our next winner?

What are you waiting for? Just go and sign up. There is no purchase required and we are not selling your info to anyone.
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