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 Athlon Announces HERAS SPR Riflescopes

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Athlon Announces HERAS SPR Riflescopes Empty
PostSubject: Athlon Announces HERAS SPR Riflescopes   Athlon Announces HERAS SPR Riflescopes EmptyFri Dec 16, 2022 5:31 pm

Athlon Announces HERAS SPR Riflescopes Camera-Land-728x90-120222
Athlon Announces HERAS SPR Riflescopes 5c4647d73d868775d61ec26b_logo300

Athlon New Line of HERAS SPR Riflescopes

Pre-SHOT Show News. These scopes will be shown at SHOT Show and should begin shipping shortly thereafter

Athlons new line of Heras SPR Riflescopes pushes the envelope even further with features previously unheard of at this price point. The HERAS SPR offerings are incredibly versatile and cover a wide range of applications suitable to hunters, small-bore shooters, and air-gunners alike. This robust line is designed to handle the forward impulse of springer air guns, PCP and recoil from magnum centerfire rifles.

Heras 2-12x42 Riflescopes
Notable features of this new scope include: Second Focal Plane, Parallax Adjustment (from 10 yards to infinity), Adjustable Elevation Turret, Locking Windage Turret, Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses, Precision Zero Stop System, and is available in MOA and MIL reticle versions.

Heras 4-20x50 Riflescopes
Notable features of this new scope include: Second Focal Plane, Parallax Adjustment (from 10 yards to infinity), Adjustable Elevation Turret, Locking Windage Turret, Advanced Fully Multi-Coated Lenses, Precision Zero Stop System, and is available in MOA and MIL reticle versions.

Heras 6-24x56 1st and 2nd FP Riflescopes
The highest-magnification option in the new HERAS SPR line has all the features found in the 2-12x42 and 4-20x50 while adding an illuminated reticle and the ability to choose between First or Second Focal Plane versions.

Check out our Just Arrived Section, Daily Flash Sale as well as our exciting new Year End Specials Section for exceptional deals

If there is anything you're looking for please give us a call at 516-217-1000. It is always our pleasure to speak with you. Always give a call to discuss options and what would be best for your needs

We appreciate all the orders and support. Please stay well and safe. Have a great day & please follow us on Instagram at gr8fuldoug_ Smile

Thank you for your continued support.
If there is anything else that we can assist you with please let us know.

Camera Land
720 Old Bethpage Road
Old Bethpage, NY 11804
Please visit our web site @ www.cameralandny.com
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