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 20ga. Morning Range

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20ga. Morning Range Empty
PostSubject: 20ga. Morning Range   20ga. Morning Range EmptyFri May 18, 2012 8:06 pm

Went to the range this morning with my four 20ga slug guns

Savage 220f is just a damn right tack driver

H&R Ultra Deluxe was just a tad behind the Savage

Remington 11-87 was excellent

Mossberg 500 was very good

I'm very happy with all four, they all shot the Remington Accu-Tip 3", they all wear a Leupold VX-II 3-9x40, the Mossberg wears a Bushnell Trophy 3-9x40

Can't wait for deer season to start here in New Jersey & Illinois, and bear season in New Jersey, and of course archery season in both states!!!!!
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20ga. Morning Range
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