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 I will have some new gear

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I will have some new gear Empty
PostSubject: I will have some new gear   I will have some new gear EmptyMon Jan 11, 2010 10:46 pm

I will be getting some early season scent blocker gear for next hunting season I know that. I have some good scent blocker cold gear base layers but I want some good out layers as well. The way I see it if the scent blocker helps control my scent even a little that is better than nothing. I noticed this year just with the base layers I had deer come in down wind ofcourse I spray down with cover scent but I really think it helps.
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I will have some new gear Empty
PostSubject: Re: I will have some new gear   I will have some new gear EmptyMon Jan 11, 2010 10:53 pm

I agree: I hunt from the ground and i use the scent blocker, i have also had deer come in down wind. They work great.
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I will have some new gear Empty
PostSubject: Re: I will have some new gear   I will have some new gear EmptyTue Jan 12, 2010 2:52 am

you cant go wrong with it it really does help
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I will have some new gear Empty
PostSubject: Re: I will have some new gear   I will have some new gear EmptyTue Jan 12, 2010 8:59 am

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PostSubject: Re: I will have some new gear   I will have some new gear Empty

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I will have some new gear
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