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 birthday turkey

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birthday turkey Empty
PostSubject: birthday turkey   birthday turkey EmptyTue Apr 17, 2012 7:15 pm

I shot my first turkey with a bow.. After sitting in my blind for four hours i decided to creep to the edge of the ridge i was on and try to get my call out a little further.. AS i get to the edge i make a few calls and not 50 yds from me is 3 jakes... with no time to move i squatted down there in the wide open.. As the jakes made it closer i began picking my shooting lines and when i would draw... I had no time to use range finder... As the turkeys went behind a group of oak trees i drew back but my arrow caught a twig and popped off my string.. As i let down a jake caught my movement.. Luckly i had my mouth call in and gave a few yelps and they settled down... One jake was perfectly in line with an oak tree and couldnt see me, so i drew back again.. this time two jakes spotted me and started to putt.. As the other stepped out behind the tree i let out a few yelps and stoped the jake.. My muzzy buried into the wing butt and exited out through the neck.. The turkey didnt go far.. TO top it off it was My Birthday..
birthday turkey 01111
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birthday turkey Empty
PostSubject: Re: birthday turkey   birthday turkey EmptyTue Apr 17, 2012 8:54 pm

Great job Justin!!! and to top it off it was on yor birthday!!!!! we need some pics!!!!
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birthday turkey Empty
PostSubject: Re: birthday turkey   birthday turkey EmptyWed Apr 18, 2012 9:24 pm

can everyone see the pic now.. forgot to mention he was at 17 yards when i let the string sing
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birthday turkey Empty
PostSubject: Re: birthday turkey   birthday turkey EmptyFri Apr 20, 2012 12:30 am

awesome job man way to go. Pretty good birthday present if you ask me.
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birthday turkey Empty
PostSubject: Re: birthday turkey   birthday turkey Empty

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